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Seabee Compassion at Inchon Seabees are men and women who have a reputation for being hardened construction workers. After a 12 to 16-hour day moving several thousand yards of fill with a D7 Caterpillar bulldozer or pounding a couple hundred 16-penny nails into concrete forms, they drink all night—or at least, that’s the myth. Despite this reputation, Seabees are people who have compassion for their fellow humans. Today, several stories are published each year of Seabees who renovate school houses on Guam or help the people of Nicaragua recover from the ravages of Hurricane Mitch. Since the first Seabees deployed to Bora Bora in January 1942, the newswires have been filled with accounts of their compassion. And of course, the Seabees of ACB 1 who landed at Inchon, Korea in September 1950 are not any different, as demonstrated by these photographs. Letters home
Chief Carpenter Robert P. LaBouy, company commander of WestPac Det. Pontoon Company of ACB 1, takes time to write a letter to his wife and two children shortly after landing at Inchon. Compassion for the people of Korea The two photographs below demonstrate their compassion for the people of Korea. This story is found in No. 5 (Winter 1999) of the Seabee Log.