USS Carl Vinson Cooks Compete in Culinary Arts Competition by USS Carl Vinson Public Affairs BREMERTON, WASH. (NWSB) -- The Navy's finest cuisine was displayed and sampled recently in Bremerton, Wash., when Sailors from Puget Sound cooked up a storm as part of the 1998 Armed Forces Day Culinary Arts competition. The Bremerton Chamber of Commerce hosted the competition for dishes such as chili with beans, baked corn bread, healthy choice entrees, garnishes, cakes and pot pies. "I was surprised that I won," USS Carl Vinson's (CVN 70) Mess Management Specialist (MS) Tony Failla, of Longmont, Colo., stated. He placed third in the healthy choice category with his recipe for tuna pot pie. "It was only the fourth time I had made it." In the healthy choice category, the meal had to be within guidelines for fat, cholesterol and calories. Failla said, there were about 40 participants from submarines and ships in the Puget Sound area, with submarine crews being well represented. "The submarines were outstanding. However, Carl Vinson swept the awards by winning the most, even though we didn't place first," Failla said. "I would like to do this again next year," Failla said. "I would also like to get more of the junior mess specialists involved." MS2 Class Stanley Dawson, from West Palm Beach, Fla., entered baked beans and won third place. "I put a touch of cinnamon and the spice mustard in it," he said. "The way the participants presented their dishes reminded me of pictures in Better Homes and Gardens," Dawson said. Others who participated in the event were:
Navy News Wire B story NWSB1june-2, dated June 1, 1998