Military Foodservice Bibliography US Navy Cookbooks and Food Service Manuals Books are listed by date. All manuals were produced by the U.S. Department of the Navy, unless noted. 1904 Paymaster General. General Mess
Manual and Cookbook for Use On Board Vessels of the United States Navy.
Washington: GPO, 1904. 32pp. 1908 Bureau of Navigation. U.S. Navy Cook-Book: Prepared by the Direction of the Bureau of Navigation at the School for Cooks and Bakers, U.S. Naval Training Station, Newport, Rhode Island. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, September 1908. 62pp. The preface states: "The first edition of the U.S. Navy Cook-Book, prepared at the School for Cooks and Bakers, U.S. Naval Training Station, Newport, R.I., is issued to the service." 1920 Navy Cookbook. (Correct title not known.) Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1920. 128pp. 1926 Cooks' and Bakers' School, U.S. Naval
Training Station, Hampton Roads, VA. Cooking and Baking Courses with
Recipes. Hampton Roads: U.S. Naval Training Station, July 1,
1926. 246pp. 1927 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. Washington: GPO, July 30, 1927. 144pp. Next edition 1932. 1932 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. Washington: GPO, 1932. Supersedes edition of July 30, 1927. Next edition 1940. Bureau of Navigation. Instructions for Use in Preparation for the Baker Ratings. Washington: GPO, 1932. 223pp. 1938 Bureau of Navigation. Instructions for Use in Preparation for the Rating of Ship's Cook 3c. Washington: GPO, 1938. 77pp. 1939 Bureau of Navigation. Instructions for Use in Preparation for the Rating of Ship's Cook 2c and 1c. Washington: GPO, 1939. 243pp. 1940 Bureau of Navigation. Instructions for Use in Preparation for the Rating of Chief Commissary Steward. Washington: GPO, 1940. 278pp. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. Washington: GPO, 1940. 153pp. Supersedes edition of 1932. Next edition May 1, 1944. 1942 (Cooks and Bakers School.) Ship's Cooks School Lectures. Norfolk, Va.: Naval Training Station, September 1942. 62pp. 1944 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. NavSandA Pub. 7. Washington: GPO, May 1, 1944. 430pp. Supersedes edition of 1940. Next edition July 1, 1945. 1945 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. NavSandA Pub. 7. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1945. 456pp. Supersedes edition of May 1, 1944. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Meat Handbook of the United States Navy. NavSandA Pub. 55. 158pp, Washington: GPO, August 1, 1945. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Ship's Cook 3c and 2c. NavPers 10505. Washington: GPO, 1945. 282pp. Superceded by Commissaryman 3 & 2, 1948. 1946 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Ship's Cook 1c & Chief Commissary Steward. NavPers 10512. Washington: GPO, 1946. 205pp. Superceded by Commissaryman 1 & C, 1948. Bureau Of Naval Personnel. Steward and Cook 3c and 2c. NavPers ????. Washington: GPO, 1946. 1948 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Baker's Handbook. NavPers 10284. Washington: GPO, 1948. 143pp. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279. Washington: GPO, 1948. Supercedes Ship's Cook 3c and 2c, 1945 edition. Reprinted in 1952 to make minor corrections. Next edition published as NavPers 10279-A in 1954. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 1 & C. NavPers 10280. Washington: GPO, 1948. Supercedes Ship's Cook 1c and Chief Commissary Steward, 1946. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 1 & C. NavPers 10695. Washington: GPO, 1948. Original edition of this training course. 1950 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Navy Hotel: Guide to Officer's Mess Management. Washington: GPO, 1950. 1951 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Stewardsman. NavPers 10693. Washington: GPO, 1951. Original edition of this training course. 1952 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 3 & 2. NavPers 10694. Washington: GPO, 1952 Original edition of this training course. U.S. Public Health Service. Instructor's Guide--Sanitary Food Service. Washington: GPO, November 1952. Joint Air Force-Army-Navy-PHS publication. 1953 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 3 & 2. NavPers 10694-B. Washington: GPO, 1953. Revised edition. 1954 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279-A. Washington: GPO, 1954. 256pp. Reprinted in 1960. Next edition published as NavPers 10279-B in 1958. 1955 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Applied Cookery. Washington: GPO, November 1955. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Manual for Commissioned Officers' Messes Ashore. NavPers 15951. Washington: GPO, 1955. Superceded by NavPers 1515951of May 4, 1962. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Manual for Chief Petty Officer's Messes and Enlisted Men's Clubs Ashore. NavPers 15800. Washington: GPO, 1955. Superceded by NavPers 1515951of May 4, 1962. 1958 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279-B. Washington: GPO, 1958. Reprinted in 1960 and revised with minor changes in 1961. Next edition published as NavPers 10279-C in 1963. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 3 & 2. NavPers 10694-C. Washington: GPO, 1958. Revised edition. 1959 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 1 & C. NavPers 10280-C. Washington: GPO, 1959. Revised edition. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 1 & C. NavPers 10695-B. Washington: GPO, 1959. Revised edition. 1962 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Manual for Messes Ashore. NavPers 15951. Washington: GPO, May 4, 1962. Supercedes NavPers 15847 of 1955 and NavPers 15800 of 1955. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Stewardsman. NavPers 10693-B. Washington: GPO, 1962. Revised edition. 1963 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279-C. Washington: GPO, 1963. 224pp. Next edition published as NavPers 10279-D in 1966. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Navy and Marine Corps Recipe Service. NavSandA Pub. 7. Washington: GPO, December 12, 1963. Joint Navy-Marine Corps publication. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. 1964 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 1 & C. NavPers 10280-D. Washington: GPO, 1964. Revised edition 151pp. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 3 & 2. NavPers 10694-D. Washington: GPO, 1964. Revised edition. Date unknown (all published before 1965) Bureau of Naval Personnel. Manual for Messes Afloat. NavPers 15158. Washington: GPO. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Sanitary Precautions for Food-Service Personnel. NavPers 91921-A. Washington: GPO. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Food Operations Reference Manual. NavSup P-421. Washington: GPO. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Planning Navy Meals. NavSup P-362. Washington: GPO. 1965 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Supplement No. 1 (Submarine Recipe Section) to Navy and Marine Corps Recipe Service. NavSandA Pub. 7. Washington: GPO, December 30, 1965. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Steward 1 & C. NavPers 10695-C. Washington: GPO, 1965. Revised edition. 1966 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279-D. Washington: GPO, 1966. Next edition published as NavPers 10279-E in 1971. Miles, Darrell, Lt. (SC), USN and CS1 William Bigley, USN. Dare to Excel in Cooking: Award Winning Group Recipes of USS Semmes (DDG 19). Washington: GPO, 1966. 52pp. 1966 winner of the Capt. Edward Francis Ney Memorial Award. 1968 Bureau of Naval Personnel. Stewardsman. NavPers 10693-C. Washington: GPO, 1967. Revised edition. 1968 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. NavSup P-274. Washington: GPO, January 5, 1968. Next edition May 19, 1971. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine-Navy publication. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 1 & C. NavPers 10280-E. Washington: GPO, 1968. 167pp. Revised edition. 1969 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. NavSup P-7. Washington: GPO, February 1969. Charge 1: March 1, 1971, change 2: September 29, 1972, change 3: October 2, 1974, and change 4: September 1, 1976. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Superseded by edition of May 1, 1980. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Public Health Service. Sanitary Food Service: Instructor's Guide. NavMed P-1333. Washington: GPO, 1969. Also known as Public Health Service Publication No. 90. 1971 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. NavSup P-274. Washington: GPO, May 19, 1971. 67pp. Supersedes edition of January 5, 1968. Next edition November 29, 1984. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine-Navy publication. Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Operations. NavSup P-421. Washington: GPO, January 15, 1971. Superceded by edition of October 1, 1979. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Commissaryman 3 & 2. NavPers 10279-E. Washington: GPO, 1971. 212pp. Revised edition. 1973 Naval Supply Systems Command. Enlisted Dining Facility Master- at- Arms Handbook. NavSup P-520. Washington: GPO, January 31, 1973. Superceded by edition of March 1, 1978. Naval Training Command. Commissaryman 1 & C. NavTra 10280-F. Washington: GPO, 1973. 211pp. Revised edition. Date unknown ( published before 1975) Naval Supply Systems Command. Subsistence Loading Guide for Small Surface Ships. NavSup P-346. Washington: GPO. 1976 Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Management--Officers' Quarters and Messes Afloat and Chief Petty Officers' Messes Afloat. NavSup P-496, Vol. II. Washington: GPO, July 27, 1976. Supersedes NavPers 15158. Superceded by edition of May 22, 1992. Armed Forces Menu Standards. NavSup P-516. Washington: GPO, April 30, 1976. 6pp. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Superceded by edition of September 8, 1989. Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2. NavEdTra 10267. Washington: GPO, 1976. 276pp. First edition of this manual. 1978 Naval Supply Systems Command. Enlisted Dining Facility Master-at-Arms Handbook. NavSup P-520. Washington: GPO, March 1, 1978. 69pp. Supercedes edition of January 31, 1973. Superceded by edition of February 24, 1998. Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2. NavEdTra 10267-A. Washington: GPO, 1978. Revised edition. Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 1 & C. NavEdTra 10268. Washington: GPO, 1978. 241pp. First edition of this manual. 1979 Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Operations. NavSup P-421. Washington: GPO, October 1, 1979. Supercedes edition of January 15, 1971. Superceded by edition January 25, 1994. 1980 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. NavSup P-7. Washington: GPO, May 1, 1980. Change 1: March 1984, change 2: March 1986, change 3: May 1987, and change 4: September 1989. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Superseded by edition of 1992. 1981 Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2. NavEdTra 10267-A1. Washington: GPO, 1981. 318pp. Revised edition. 1984 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. NavSupInst 10110.6A. Washington: GPO, November 29, 1984. Supersedes edition of May 19, 1971. Joint Army-Marine-Navy publication. 1987 Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2. NavEdTra 10267-A2. Washington: GPO, July 1987. 318pp. Revised edition. Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 1 & C. NavEdTra 10268-A. Washington: GPO, September 1987. 318pp. Revised edition. 1989 Armed Forces Menu Standards. NavSup P-516. Washington: GPO, September 8, 1989. 6pp. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Supercedes edition of April 30, 1976. 1990 Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist 3. NavEdTra 10090. Washington: GPO, May 1990. First edition of this manual. 1992 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. NavSup P-7. Washington: GPO, September 1, 1992. Change 1: July 1997 and change 2: April 1999. An Adobe version of the current revision of AFRS can be downloaded from the Navy Logistics Library. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Management -- Officers' Quarters and Messes Afloat and Chief Petty Officers' Messes Afloat. NavSup P-496, Vol. II. Washington: GPO, May 22, 1992. 207pp. Supersedes edition of July 27, 1976. Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Management -- General Messes. NavSup P-486, Vol. I (Revision 2). Washington: GPO, May 1992. Superceded by edition of February 1994. Weber, Lt. Denise. Navy Nutrition and Weight Control. NavPers 15602. Washington: GPO, 1992. 202pp. 1993 Naval Supply Systems Command. Fat, Cholesterol, and Calorie List for General Messes. NavSup P-580. Washington: GPO, February 1, 1993. 47pp. 1994 Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Operations. NavSup P-421. Washington: GPO, January 25, 1994. Supersedes edition of October 1, 1979. Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Management -- General Messes. NavSup P-486, Vol. I (Revision 3). Washington: GPO, February 1994. Supersedes edition of May 1992. Superceded by edition of November 1998. Naval Education and Training Command. Mess Management Specialist. NavEdTra 12662. Washington: GPO, April 1994. First edition of this manual. 1998 Naval Supply Systems Command. Food Service Management -- General Messes. NavSup P-486, Vol. I (Revision 4). Washington: GPO, November 1998. Supersedes edition of January 25, 1994. 563pp. Naval Supply Systems Command. Mess Deck Master-at-Arms Handbook. NavSup P-520. Washington: GPO, February 24, 1998. 111pp. Supercedes edition of March 1, 1978. 1999 Karoly, MSCS Steven C. Logistics Support for the Naval Construction Force: Field Messing. Seabee Logistics Training Guide Series, Module No. 7. Washington: GPO, 1999.