Military Foodservice Bibliography US Army Cookbooks and Food Service Manuals Books are listed by date. All manuals were produced by the U.S. War Department or the Department of the Army (after 1947), unless noted. 1862 Sanderson, Capt. James M. Camp Fires and Camp Cooking. Washington: GPO, 1862. 1867 Subsistence Dept. Notes on Canned Goods. Washington: GPO, December 21, 1867. 52pp. 1878 Commissary General of Subsistence. Report Of The Commissary-General Of Subsistence. Washington: GPO, October 10, 1878. 10pp. 1879 Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for Army Cooks. Washington: GPO, 1879. 1880 Carpenter, W.L. Description of and Directions for Using the Portable Field Ovens. Washington: GPO, 1880. 14pp. 1882 Bell, George. Notes on Bread Making, Permanent and Field Ovens, and Bake Houses. Washington: GPO, 1882. 143pp. 1883 Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for Army Cooks. Washington: GPO, 1883. Re-printed by the Times Rover Press, 1995. 1892 Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for Army Cooks. Washington: GPO, 1892. 1896 Commissary General of Subsistence. Handbook of Subsistence Stores. War Dept. Doc. 19. Washington: GPO, 1896. 199pp. Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for Army Cooks. War Dept. Doc. 18. Washington: GPO, 1896. 306pp. Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for the Subsistence Department United States Army. Washington: GPO, 1896. 1897 Adjutant General's Office. Subsistence and Messing in European Armies. Washington: GPO, 1897. 1898 Commissary General of Subsistence. Army Ration: Issue and Conversion Tables. Washington: GPO, 1898. 10pp. Commissary General of Subsistence. Handbook of Subsistence Stores. War Dept. Doc. 21. Washington: GPO, 1898. 57pp. 1900 Commissary General of Subsistence. Handbook of Subsistence Stores. War Dept. Doc. 128. Washington: GPO, 1900. 223pp. Court of Inquiry. Food Furnished by Subsistence Department to the Troops in the Field. 3 vols. Washington: GPO, 1900. 119pp. 1901 Commissary General of Subsistence. How to Feed an Army. Washington: GPO, 1901. 171pp. 1902 Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for the Subsistence Department United States Army. Washington: GPO, 1902. 1906 Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army. Washington: GPO, 1906. 34pp. 1908 Commissary General of Subsistence. Manual for the Subsistence Department United States Army. Washington: GPO, 1908. 1910 Office of the Commissary General. Manual for the Subsistence Department United States Army. War Dept. Doc. 369. Washington: GPO, 1910. 194pp. Office of the Commissary General. Manual for Army Cooks. War Dept. Doc. 379. Washington: GPO, October 19, 1910. 185pp. 1912 Bach, Capt. C.A. Supplement No. 1, Manual for Army Cooks. Washington: GPO, 1912. 110pp. "Prepared for the use of students of the School for Bakers and Cooks" at Fort Riley, Kas. 1916 Office of the Quartermaster General. Manual for Army Bakers. War Dept. Doc. 563. Washington: GPO, 1916. 123pp. Office of the Quartermaster General. Manual for Army Cooks. War Dept. Doc. 564. Washington: GPO, November 21, 1916. 270pp. Re-printed by the Military Publishing Co., New York, c. 1916. Superceded by TM 2100-152 of April 2, 1928. 1917 Office of the Quartermaster General. Extracts from Manual for Army Cooks. War Dept. Doc. 564A. Washington: GPO, July 6, 1917. 116pp. Superceded by TM 2100-152 of April 2, 1928. 1918 Orders for Meals and Receipts for Supplies for Troops on Trains. War Dept. Cir. 8. Washington: GPO, Oct 9, 1918. 1p. 1920 Washing of Dishes and Mess Equipment. War Dept. Cir. 21. Washington: GPO, c1920. 1p. 1926 Meyer, Capt. Jack L. Notes on Messing and Mess Inspection in the Field: For use of the National Guard. War Dept. Militia Bureau Doc. No. 916. Washington: GPO, 1926. 24pp. According to the foreword by Major Gen. C.C. Howard, Extracts from Manual for Army Cooks (War Dept. Doc. 564A, 1917) was still being used by Army messes. Office of the Quartermaster General. The Army Baker. War Dept. Doc. 6a. Washington: GPO, 1926. 76pp. 1928 The Army Cook. TM 2100-152. Washington: GPO, April 2, 1928. 168pp. Supercedes 1916 edition of the Manual for Army Cooks and the 1917 Extracts from Manual for Army Cooks. Superseded by edition of December 31, 1935. 1935 Office of the Quartermaster General. The Army Cook. TM 2100-152. Washington: GPO, December 31, 1935. 196pp. Supersedes edition of April 2, 1928. Superseded by TM 10-405 of June 9, 1941. 1937 Office of the Quartermaster General. Flour and Other Cereal Products. Sub. Bulletin No. 15. Washington: GPO, 1937. 232pp. 1939 Army Baker. TM 2100-151. Washington: GPO, November 20, 1939. 109pp. Superseded by TM 10-410 of March 26, 1941. 1940 Mess Management. TM 10-205. Washington: GPO, April 1, 1940. 30pp. Superceded by edition of July 6, 1942. Commissary Operation. TM 10-215. Washington: GPO, September 12, 1940. 184pp. Inspection of Subsistence Supplies. TM 10-210. Washington: GPO, September 23, 1940. 139pp. Office of the Quartermaster General. Poultry and Eggs. Sub. Bulletin No. 16. Washington: GPO, 1940. 94pp. 1941 Office of the Quartermaster General. Army Baker. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, March 26 , 1941. 147pp. Supersedes TM 2100-151 of November 20, 1939. Superceded by edition of July 1, 1942. The Army Cook. TM 10-405. Washington: GPO, June 9, 1941. 257pp. Supersedes TM 2100-152 of December 31, 1935. Superceded by edition of April 24, 1942. 1942 The Army Cook. TM 10-405. Washington: GPO, April 24, 1942. 259pp. Supersedes edition of June 9, 1941. Next edition August 28, 1946. The Army Baker. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1942. 160pp. Supersedes edition of March 26, 1941. Mess Management and Training. TM 10-205. Washington: GPO, July 6, 1942. 48pp. Supersedes edition of April 1, 1940. Superceded by edition of October 3. 1944. Bureau of Public Relations. The Soldier and His Food. Pamphlet. Washington: GPO, 1942. 27pp. 1943 Quartermaster Handbook: Bakery Company. TM 10-415. Washington: GPO, March 1943. 119pp. Superceded by FM 10-14 of October 11, 1950. Cutting of Beef. TM 10-407. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1943. 69pp. Superceded by TM 10-418 of February 1952. Cutting and Preparing Lamb. TM 10-408. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1943. 28pp. Superceded by TM 10-418 of February 1952. Baking Manual for the Army Cook . TM 10-411. Washington: GPO, October 5, 1943. 112pp. First edition of this manual. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. Refrigeration Company, Mobile. TM 10-615. Washington: GPO, November 15, 1943. 90pp. Superceded by FM 10-24 of March 13, 1952. Cooking Dehydrated Foods. TM 10-406. Washington: GPO, November 22, 1943. 73pp. First edition of the manual. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. 1944 TB 10-405-1. Washington: GPO, March 2, 1944. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. TB 10-406-1. Washington: GPO, March 6, 1944. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. TB QM 10. Washington: GPO, April 28, 1944. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. Questions and Answers about Meat. TB 10-405-2. Washington: GPO, April 29, 1944. 54pp. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. Railhead Company. TM 10-379. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1944. 112pp. Superceded by FM 10-19 of April 9, 1951. Army Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, August 15, 1944. 268pp. First edition of the manual. Before this technical manual was published, recipes were found in The Army Cook (TM 10-405). Next edition August 27, 1946. Smoked and Cured Meat. TB QM 25. Washington: GPO, August 10, 1944. Superceded by TM 10-418 of May 26, 1964. SB 10-122. Washington: GPO, September 8, 1944. Superseded by TM 10-405 of August 28, 1946. Mess Management and Training. TM 10-205. Washington: GPO, October 3, 1944. 84pp. Supercedes edition of July 6, 1942. Superceded by TM 10-402 of March 21, 1951. TB QM 28. Washington: GPO, October 20, 1944. Superceded by TM 10-418 of May 26, 1964. Office of the Quartermaster, Headquarters Communications Zone, European Theater of Operations. Messing in the ETO. Washington: GPO, October 1944. Revised edition. 167pp. Fish and Fishery Products. TB QM 33. Washington: GPO, 1944. 53pp. Garrison Bakery Operations. TB QM 30. Washington: GPO, 1944. 76 pp. Ration Banking System. SB 10-140. Washington: GPO, 1944. 10pp. Thatcher, Harold W. The Development of Special Rations for the Army. QMC Historical Study No. 6. Washington: GPO, 1944. 132pp. 1945 Dehydrated Foods. TB QM 45. Washington: GPO, April 14, 1945. 87pp. Kitchen Cars, Supplies, Equipment, and Rations. TM 10-206. Washington: GPO, June 16, 1945. 50pp. Superceded by edition of March 6, 1961. US Army Forces in the European Theater. Officer of the Theater Chief Quartermaster. Bakery and Coffee Roasting Operations. Operation Study No. 17. Washington: GPO, November 1, 1945. 22pp. The Army Baker. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, 1945. 60pp. 1946 The Army Baker. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, April 1946. Central Pastry Baking Operation. TM 10-414. Washington: GPO, May 1946. First edition of the manual. 21pp. Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, August 27, 1946. 497pp. Supersedes edition of August 15, 1944. Next edition November 14, 1950. The Army Cook. TM 10-405. Washington: GPO, August 28, 1946. 199pp. Supersedes edition of April 24, 1942 and these manuals: TM 10-406 of November 22, 1943, TM 10-411 of October 5, 1943, TB QM 10 of April 28, 1944, TB 10-405-1 of March 2, 1944, TB 10-405-2 of April 29, 1944, TB 10-406 of March 6, 1944 and SB 10-122 of September 8, 1944. Next edition September 25, 1957. 1947 TM 10-409. Washington: GPO, September 1, 1947. TB QM 50. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. Superceded by TM 10-418 of February 1952. TB QM 51-1. Washington: GPO, April 28, 1947. Superceded by TM 10-418 of May 26, 1964. TB QM 50-2. Washington: GPO, October 6, 1947. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. 1948 Garrison Baking Operations. TM 10-417. Washington: GPO, January 19, 1946. Food Service Drive: Better Breakfasts. TB QM 50-7. Washington: GPO, April 13, 1948. 11pp. Food Service Drive: Spices and Herbs. TB QM 50-8. Washington: GPO, April 23, 1948. 9pp. TB QM 53. Washington: GPO, March 23, 1948. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. Food Service Supervision. TM 10-401. Washington: GPO, April 14, 1948. 61pp. First edition of this manual. Next edition March 8, 1957. TB QM 50-12. Washington: GPO, September 2, 1948. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. 1949 Office of the Quartermaster General. Cost Study of the Army Ration. Washington: GPO, February 1949. Reconstitution and Freezing of Dry or Paste Ice Cream Mix. TB QM 54. Washington: GPO, March 14, 1949. 16pp. 1950 Quartermaster Bakery Company, Mobile. FM 10-14. Washington: GPO, October 11, 1950. 139pp. Supercedes TM 10-415 of July 24, 1943. Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, November 14, 1950. 497pp. Joint Air Force-Army publication. Supersedes edition of August 27, 1946. Next editions (TM 10-412-1 through 10-412-7) dated 1957 to 1966. 1951 Mess Management. TM 10-402. Washington: GPO, March 21, 1951. 80pp. Supercedes TM 10-205 of October 3, 1944. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. Quartermaster Subsistence Supply Company. FM 10-19. Washington: GPO, April 9, 1951. 112pp. Supercedes TM 10-379 of July 1, 1944. The Army Cook's Workbook. TM 10-405A. Washington: GPO, May 1951. Supply of Subsistence in a Theater of Operations. FM 10-60. Washington: GPO, July 1951. TB QM 58. Washington: GPO, October 25, 1951. Superseded by TM 10-405 of September 25, 1957. Mess Management Workbook. TM 10-402A. Washington: GPO, November 20, 1951. 39pp. First edition of the manual. 1952 Quartermaster Refrigeration Company, Mobile. FM 10-24. Washington: GPO, March 13, 1952. 138pp. Supercedes TM 10-615 of November 15, 1943. Meat Processing Ration Issue. TM 10-418. Washington: GPO, February 21, 1952. 174pp. Supercedes TM 10-407 of July 1, 1943, TM 10-408 of July 1, 1943 and TM 10-409 of September 1, 1947. This is the first edition of this manual. Superceded by edition of May 26, 1964. Joint Air Force-Army publication. U.S. Public Health Service. Instructor's Guide--Sanitary Food Service. Washington: GPO, November 1952. Joint publication of the PHS, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army and U.S. Navy. 1957 The Army Food Advisor. TM 10-401. Washington: GPO, March 8, 1957. 32pp. Supersedes edition of April 14, 1948. Army Recipes (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Gravies, Sauces, and Dressings). TM 10-412-1. Washington: GPO, April 4, 1957. 152pp. Supercedes sections VIII, XII and XVII of TM 10-412 of November 14, 1950. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Army Recipes (Eggs, Cheese, and Sandwiches). TM 10-412-2. Washington: GPO, June 11, 1957. 39pp. Supercedes appropriate portions of sections VII, XI and XVI of TM 10-412 of November 14, 1950. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Army Mess Operations. TM 10-405. Washington: GPO, September 25, 1957. 118pp. Supersedes edition of August 28, 1946 and these manuals: TM 10-402 of March 21, 1951, TB QM 50 of July 1, 1947, TB QM 50-2 of October 6, 1947, TB QM 50-12 of September 2, 1948 and TB QM 58 of October 25, 1951. Office of the Quartermaster General. Radiation Preservation of Food. Washington: GPO, 1957. 1958 (Title not known.) TB QM 50-4. Washington: GPO, February 21, 1958. Superceded by TM 10-419 of March 4, 1966. Kochler, Franz A. Coffee in the Armed Forces: Military Development and Conversion to Industry Supply. No. 5 in QMC Historical Studies. Series II. Washington: GPO, 1958. 134pp. 1959 Army Recipes (Vegetables and Legumes). TM 10-412-3. Washington: GPO, January 7, 1959. 93pp. Supercedes section XIX of TM 10-412 of November 14, 1950. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. (Title not known.) TB QM 61. Washington: GPO, October 1, 1959. Superceded by TM 10-419 of March 4, 1966. 1960 Supply of Subsistence in a Theater of Operations. TM 10-60. Washington: GPO, November 1960. 1961 (Title not known.) TB QM 50-8. Washington: GPO, February 24, 1961. Superceded by TM 10-419 of March 4, 1966. Army Recipes (Salads and Salad Dressings). TM 10-412-4. Washington: GPO, May 19, 1961. 138pp. No notation as to what edition of TM 10-412 this supercedes. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Railway Kitchen Car Operations. TM 10-206. Washington: GPO, March 6, 1961. 60pp. Supersedes edition of June 16, 1945. Superceded by TM 10-405 of August 23, 1967. (Title not known.) TB QM 33. Washington: GPO, June 2, 1961. Superceded by TM 10-419 of March 4, 1966. 1962 (Title not known.) TB QM 39. Washington: GPO, March 5, 1962. Superceded by TM 10-405 of August 23, 1967. Army Recipes (Appetizers, Beverages and Soups). TM 10-412-7. Washington: GPO, September 5, 1962. 173pp. Change 1 is dated September 18, 1963. No notation as to what edition of TM 10-412 this supercedes. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Pastry Baking. TM 10-411. Washington: GPO, August 8, 1962. 203pp. Supercedes portions of TM 10-412 of November 14, 1950. Joint Air Force-Army publication. Army Mess Operations. TM 10-405. Washington: GPO, September 27, 1962. 142pp. Supercedes edition of September 25, 1957. Superceded by edition of August 23, 1967. 1963 (Title not known.) TB QM 53. Washington: GPO, May 9, 1963. Superceded by TM 10-419 of March 4, 1966. Bread Baking. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, December 2, 1963. Superceded by edition of May 29, 1969. Joint Air Force-Army publication. 1964 Army Recipes (Breads (Batters), Cereals and Paste Products). TM 10-412-5. Washington: GPO, May 15, 1965. 161pp. No notation as to what edition of TM 10-412 this supercedes. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Meat Processing Ration Issue. TM 10-418. Washington: GPO, May 26, 1964. 196pp. Supercedes edition of February 21, 1952 and TB QM 25 of August 10, 1944; TB QM 28 of October 20, 1944; and TB QM 51-1 of April 28, 1947. Joint Air Force-Army publication. The Army Food Advisor. TM 10-401. Washington: GPO, June 17, 1964. 34pp. Superceded by edition of June 14, 1967. (Title not known.) TC 10-7. Washington: GPO, July 28, 1964. Superceded by TM 10-405 of August 23, 1967. 1966 Preparation and Serving of Food in the Garrison Mess. TM 10-419. Washington: GPO, March 4, 1966. Supersedes TB QM 33 of June 2, 1961, TB QM 50-4 of February 21, 1958, TB QM 50-8 of February 24, 1961, TM QM 53 of May 9, 1963 and TB QM 61 of October 1, 1959. Army Recipes (Desserts). TM 10-412-6. Washington: GPO, October 31, 1966. 435pp. No notation as to what edition of TM 10-412 this supercedes. Superseded by Armed Forces Recipe Service of February 1969. Pastry Baking. TM 10-411. Washington: GPO, October 11, 1966. 159pp. Superseded by FM 10-22 of February 13, 1985. 1967 Ration Breakdown Point Operations. TM 10-404. Washington: GPO, May 1967. 48pp. The Army Food Advisor. TM 10-401. Washington: GPO, June 14, 1967. 34pp. Supercedes edition of June 17, 1964. Army Mess Operations. TM 10-405. August 23, 1967. Washington: GPO, 150pp. Supercedes edition of September 27, 1962 and TM 10-206 of March 6, 1961, TC 10-7 of July 28, 1964 and QM TB 39 of March 5, 1962. Superseded by FM 10-23 of October 15, 1974. 1968 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. SB 10-495. Washington: GPO, January 5, 1968. Next edition May 19, 1971. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine-Navy publication. 1969 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, February 1969. Charge 1: March 1, 1971, change 2: September 29, 1972, change 3: October 2, 1974, and change 4: September 1, 1976. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Supersedes TM 10-412-1 through TN 10-412-7, dated between 1957 and 1966. Superseded by edition of May 1, 1980. Bread Baking. TM 10-410. Washington: GPO, May 29, 1969. 160pp. Supersedes edition of December 2, 1963. Superseded by FM 10-22 of February 13, 1985. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Public Health Service. Sanitary Food Service: Instructor's Guide. TM 8-525. Washington: GPO, 1969. Also known as Public Health Service Publication No. 90. 1971 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. SB 10-495. Washington: GPO, May 19, 1971. 67pp. Supersedes edition of January 5, 1968. Next edition November 29, 1984. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine-Navy publication. The Army Food Advisor. TM 10-401. Washington: GPO, October 12, 1971. 34pp. Superceded by edition of October 31, 1977. 1973 Preparation and Serving of Food in the Garrison Dining Facility. TM 10-419. Washington: GPO, June 15, 1973. 107pp. Superceded by FM 10-25 of April 15, 1976. 1974 Box Lunches, Flight Feeding and Motor Convoy Menus. SB 10-540. Washington: GPO, May 29, 1974. Baking Operations. FM 10-22. Washington: GPO, June 20, 1974. Superceded by edition of June 3, 1977. Army Troop Feeding Operations. FM 10-23. Washington: GPO, October 15, 1974. Supersedes TM 10-405 of August 23, 1967. Superceded by edition of September 29, 1978. 1976 Commander's Guide to Dining Operations. TC 10-16. Washington: GPO, February 1976. 87pp. Superseded by FM 10-23-1 of March 30, 1981. Armed Forces Menu Standards. SB 10-262. Washington: GPO, April 30, 1976. 6pp. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Superceded by edition of September 8, 1989. Preparation and Serving of Food in the Garrison Dinning Facility. FM 10-25. Washington: GPO, April 15, 1976. Supersedes TM 10-419 of June 15, 1973. 1977 Baking Operations. FM 10-22. Washington: GPO, June 3, 1977. Supersedes edition of June 20, 1974, TM 10-410 of May 29, 1969 and TM 10-411 of October 11, 1966. Superceded by edition of February 13, 1985. The Army Food Advisor. FM 10-26. Washington: GPO, October 31, 1977. 34pp. Supersedes edition of October 12, 1971. Superceded by edition of August 9, 1985. Ration Distribution Operations. FM 10-24. Washington: GPO, October 31, 1977. Superceded by edition of May 31, 1983. 1978 Army Food Service Operations. FM 10-23. Washington: GPO, September 29, 1978. Supersedes edition of September 29, 1978. Superceded by edition of May 23, 1986. 1980 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, May 1, 1980. Change 1: March 1984, change 2: March 1986, change 3: May 1987, and change 4: September 1989. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Superseded by edition of 1992. 1981 Commander's Guide to Food Service Operations. FM 10-23-1. Washington: GPO, March 30, 1981. 93pp. 1982 14-Day US Army Reserve Component and Field Training Menu. SB 10-263. Supersedes edition of February 28, 1979. Washington: GPO, January 22, 1982. 50pp. Box Lunches, Flight Feeding and Motor Convoy Menus. SB 10-540. Supersedes edition of May 29, 1974. Washington: GPO, June 15, 1982. 22pp. 1983 Preparation and Serving of Food in the Garrison Dining Facility. FM 10-25. Washington: GPO, May 31, 1983. Ration Distribution Operations. FM 10-24. Washington: GPO, May 31, 1983. Supercedes edition of October 31, 1977. Portions of this manual superceded by FM 10-23 of December 12, 1991 and FM 10-23-2 of September 30, 1993. 1984 Standard "B" Ration for the Armed Forces. SB 10-495. Washington: GPO, November 29, 1984. Supersedes edition of May 19, 1971. Joint Army-Marine-Navy publication. 1985 Baking Operations. FM 10-22. Washington: GPO, February 3, 1985. Supersedes edition of June 3, 1977. Portions of this manual superceded by FM 10-23 of December 12, 1991. Nutrient Values of Master Menu Recipes and Food Items. SB 10-264. Washington: GPO, February 28, 1985. The Army Food Advisor. FM 10-26. Washington: GPO, August 9, 1985. Supersedes edition of October 31, 1977. Portions of this manual superceded by FM 10-23 of December 12, 1991. Superseded by FM 10-23 dated September 30, 1993. 1986 Army Food Service Operations. FM 10-23. Washington: GPO, May 23, 1986. Supersedes edition of September 29, 1978. Superceded by edition of December 12, 1991. Combat Field Feeding (CFFS) Operations. FC 21-150. Washington: GPO, July 1986. Expired July 1989. 1988 14-Day US Army Reserve Component and Field Training Menu. SB 10-263. Washington: GPO, October 22, 1988. 184pp. Supersedes edition of January 22, 1982. 1989 Armed Forces Menu Standards. SB 10-262. Washington: GPO, September 8, 1989. 6pp. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. Supercedes edition of April 30, 1976. 1991 Basic Doctrine for Army Field Feeding. FM 10-23. Washington: GPO, December 12, 1991. Supersedes edition of May 23, 1986. Superceded by edition of April 18, 1996. 1992 Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee. Armed Forces Recipe Service and Index of Recipes. TM 10-412. Washington: GPO, September 1, 1992. Change 1: July 1997; and change 2: April 1999. Joint Air Force-Army-Marine Corps-Navy publication. 1993 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Garrison Food Preparation and Class I Operations Management. TM 10-23-2. Washington: GPO, September 30, 1993. Supersedes FM 10-22, FM 10-24, FM 10-25, FM 10-26 and TM 10-415. 1996 Basic Doctrine for Army Field Feeding and Class I Operations Management. FM 10-23. Washington: GPO, April 18, 1996. Supersedes edition of December 21, 1991. Master Menu for July 1996. SB 10-260. Washington: GPO, April 20, 1996. Representative sample; the master menu is published monthly. Recapitulation of Master Menu Issues for July 1996. SB 10-260-1. Washington: GPO, April 20, 1996. Representative sample; the master menu recapitulation is published monthly.