Seabees of the Navy, 1942 - 1997: A Bibliography
World War II: Establishment and Growth
By Steven C. Karoly
52 Adolphe, E. "Seabees
Race Against Time: Lives At Stake As They Rush Hospital On Land
Carved From Pacific Jungle. A First-Hand Account, Written In The Solomon's." American Builder and Building Age, 66
(February 1944), 68-9.
Seabees, given 17 days to build the first hospital, have it ready
to accept patients in 3 days. The second two hospitals were ready
for the surgeon's knife in a week.
53 Angas, W. M. "Stepping Stones to Victory: Herculean Efforts in Engineering Construction, Work of Seabees in the Pacific Area." Technology Review, 49 (April 1947), 337-40+.
54 Barash, Sam. "Seabees Assemble Pontoons at an Island Base." Civil Engineering, 15 (June 1945), 269-70.
55 "Beachhead
Barber." All Hands, No.337 (April 1945), 20.
From a monthly feature titled, "Along the Road to
Tokyo." William "Barber Bill" Rinehart has
operated barber shops on six Pacific beachheads. He is a member
of a Seabee pontoon battalion.
56 Blechman, Solomon.
"Plumbing in the Solomon Islands." Master Plumber
and Heating Contractor, 14 (February 1944), 7.
Seabees build a water distribution system at a base camp less
than three miles from the front. Former plumbing contractors and
tradesmen supervise these projects.
57 Bors, Joseph A. "Seabees at Work." Flying, 35 (July 1944), 28-30+. Smith: 9871.
58 Bowers, Nathan A. "Seabees Speed Construction in the Pacific." Engineering News-Record, 132 (June 29, 1944), 930-5. Smith: 9872.
59 ________. "Steel Pontoon Cells in the South Seas: Used in Making Wharves, Barges, Bridges, dry-docks, Storage Tanks, etc." Engineering News-Record, 133 (July 27, 1944), 106-9.
60 ________. "Submarine Drilling with Job-Assembled Rig: Seabees Drill and Blast Channel Through Coral Reef in Solomons." Engineering News-Record, 134 (April 19, 1945), 580-3.
61 ________. "2,400-ft. Pier Built from Scratch at Tarawa." Engineering News-Record, 134 (May 31, 1945), 776-7.
62 ________. "Unloading Equipment on Hostile Shores: Seabee Battalions Landing Mobile Equipment on Beach Heads." Engineering News-Record, 133 (August 10, 1944), 170-3.
63 Bowman, Waldo G. "Derry Naval Base in Northern Ireland." Engineering News-Record, 131 (August 26, 1943), 330-2. Smith: 9874.
64 ________. "Seabees are Coming." Engineering News-Record, 129 (September 24, 1942), 415-22. Smith: 9875.
65 ________. "Seabee Pontoons Form Floating Piers." Engineering News-Record, 135 (March 8, 1945), 308-10.
66 "Build Ye..." All Hands, No. 348 (March 1946), 21-3. Seabees build chapels on every Pacific island for worship.
67 "Busy Navy Seabees
Start Guadalcanal to Tokyo R. R." Locomotive Engineers
Journal, c. 1944, 885+.
Seabees with no prior railroad experience build a 1.22 mile
railroad on Guadalcanal. The road is named "The Guadalcanal,
Bougainville and Tokyo Railroad." (This article was found in
the geographical files in the historian's office in Port Hueneme,
CA. Biographical data is missing.)
68 Campbell, F. B. and W. K. Chase. "Seabees Encounter Unusual Soils on Iwo Jima: Airfield Construction as Affected by Volcanic Conditions." Civil Engineering, 15 (November 1945), 505-6.
69 Campbell, J. Duncan. "Sewage Outfall Line Floated in Place by Seabees." Civil Engineering, 15 (June 1945), 281.
70 "Can Do, Will Do, Did It." Time, 43 (January 3, 1944), 61-2. Smith: 9877.
71 "CBs to Get Equal
Chance for Shore Duty in U. S." All Hands, No.341
(August 1945), 66.
Many citations found in Our Navy are from a news and information
feature, Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. 0200
72 "CB Unit Given Award
for Landing Supplies." All Hands, No. 362 (April
1947), 40.
Construction Battalion Detachment 1006 is given the Navy Unit
Commendation for action during the Sicily Landings July 1943.
73 Clausen, Arnold A. "Modern Rigid-Frame Bridge Built by Seabees on Guam." Civil Engineering, 15 (November 1945), 497-8.
74 "Collage Courses in Stevedoring." Our Navy, 38 (Mid-May 1944), 45.
75 Combs, Lewis B. "An Account of the Navy's Civilian Engineer Corps." Military Engineer, 12 (March 1943), 103. Smith: 9880.
76 ________. "Functions of the Civil Engineer Corps in the Naval Establishment." Civil Engineering, 12 (June 1942), 320-3. Smith: 9881.
77 "Come and Get
'Em." Our Navy, 38 (First of October 1944), 36-7.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Features Chief Commissary
Steward Joe Hayden of the 33rd Seabees, "proprietor" of
Joe's Place, an airfield hamburger stand in the Russell Islands.
Chief Hayden is also featured in Huie's Can Do!.
78 "Commissions for Stevedores." Our Navy, 39 (First of February 1945), 35.
79 Cordes, Bernard R. "Blasting Necessary in Dismantling Bombproof Power Station." Civil Engineering, 15 (April 1945), 183-184.
80 Cunney, George A.
"Blast Holes Shot Into Volcanic Slag." Civil
Engineering, 16 (January 1946), 71.
The 19th Seabees build an all-weather road on New Britain.
81 Day, R. P. "Building the Port Apra Breakwater." Engineering News-Record, 135 (October 1945), 496-501.
82 ________. "So the B-29's Can Fly: Seabees Construct Gasoline Tank Farm on Marinannas." Petroleum Engineer, 16 (July 1945), 55-8. Rpt. in Compressed Air Magazine, 50 (October 1945), 274-5.
83 Denfield, D. Colt.
"North Field, Tinian: Atomic Bombs to Jungle." Periodical:
Journal of America's Military Past, 19 (Fall 1992), 77-84.
A survey of the condition of North Field, Tinian, today. The
planes that dropped the first atomic bombs used in war flew from
North Field. The author also includes a brief history of the
capture and building of North Field. The 121st Seabees, landing
with the 4th Marine Division, started initial work on the
airfield after its capture. Two other battalions, the 67th and
107th, are mentioned in the article.
84 DeVries, Larry G.
"Seabees on Guadalcanal." WWII Naval Journal,
July/August 1994, 3-6+.
A detailed review of Seabee utilization during the campaign for
Guadalcanal (August 7, 1942 to February 9, 1943). He discusses
the organization of the Seabees, training and deployment of the
first six battalions and the history of the 6th, 14th, 18th, 26th
and 27th Seabees on Guadalcanal and Tulagi.
85 Dickeman, C. T. "Water Supply Equipment and Facilities for Advanced Bases of the U. S. Navy." Journal of the New England Water Works Association, 58 (March 1944), 47-50.
86 Dwyer, Harry. "The
Seabees." Our Navy, 42 (Mid-May 1948), 22-23.
Short, two-page, general history.
87 "58th NCB Wins Naval
Unit Commendation." Our Navy, 41 (Mid-May 1947), 37.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest.
88 "Floating Pontoon
Turns Into Invasion Ferry." All Hands, No. 328 (July
1944), 31.
Half-page pictorial of pontoon use at Normandy.
89 Hannum, Warren T. "Harbor Construction in the Islands of the Pacific." Military Engineer, (February 1942), 63. Smith: 9886.
90 Higdon, Douglas. "Boot
Strap Rehabilitation: Marianas Japs are Learning the American
Way." Our Navy, 40 (Mid June 1945), 20-22.
Seabees build internment camps for Japanese natives captured in
the Marianas.
91 Hiltabidle, W. O.
"Guam Superhighway Built in Sixty Days: High-Type Roads
Provided for Island Naval Base." Civil Engineering,
15 (May 1945), 216-8.
5th Brigade builds a road network on Guam following the American
recapture of the island.
92 "Horny-handed Heroes." Popular Mechanics, 81 (June 1944), 50-3+. Smith: 9889.
93 "Hot Stuff at
Iwo." Our Navy, 39 (First of May 1945), 35.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Seabees landed with the Marines
on Iwo Jima.
94 Houghton, Samuel G.
"Out of Chaos: The Seabees-They Make Useful to Man the
Ravaged Areas That War Has Blighted." Our Navy, 39
(First of April 1945), 4-6+.
Seabee story of the building of the base at Tarawa after it was
taken by the 2nd Marine Division.
95 Howard, Joseph L.
"Seabee Supply was Big Business." United States
Naval Institute Proceedings, No. 527 (January 1947), 40-5.
Smith: 9890.
Detailed description of the supply department of a construction
96 Howland, James C.
"Building Saipan: Vast Program Included Airfields, Piers,
Repair Facilities, Water Supply, Hospitals, and Roads." Civil
Engineering, 16 (March 1946), 104-107.
Army Engineers and Seabees build the Saipan air base. Included
are equipment descriptions and an explanation of all major
97 Huie, William Bradford. "The Navy's Seabees Build the Roads to Victory." Life Magazine, 35 (October 9, 1944), 47-50+. Smith: 9893.
98 ________. "Slickest
Trick of the War." Saturday Evening Post, 216 (April
29, 1944), 22-23+. Smith: 7432.
The Navy's steel boxes, called pontoons, are just as important to
the war effort as is radar and secret bomb sights. A very
detailed article. Huie notes several operations where the pontoon
made a difference.
99 ________. "The
Seabees, Our Toughest Outfit." American Mercury, 58
(January 1944), 19-26. Smith: 9895.
Describes how the author, a former American Mercury editor, came
to join the Seabees. He concludes that the war is being won the
the Seabees.
100 "Insignia Authorized
for Seabee Enlisted Men." All Hands, No. 332
(November 1944), 75.
The Bulletin Board. Shoulder patch with the fighting bee is
authorized for wear on Seabees' dress blues.
101 Jacobs, Bruce "Can Do! The Story of the Seabees." Rpt. from Saga Magazine, c. 1956. 8p.
102 Johnson, Albin E. "Seabees Can Do It." Popular Science, 144 (January 1944), 55-7+. Smith: 9896.
103 Jones, Edgar L.
"Marooned on the Rock." Atlantic Monthly, 175
(April 1945), 48-54. Smith: 4743.
What happened to the mechanics, Seabees, and ground forces left
behind on Tarawa? Depicts life for the station force left by the
combat after the capture of Tarawa.
104 ________. "The
Sisters and the Seabees: Ampamama." Atlantic Monthly,
175 (June 1945), 109-13. Rpr. in Reader's Digest, 48
(February 1946), 12.
Seabees on Apamama Island, south of Tarawa, are celebrated as
saints with bulldozers by three Catholic nuns who survived
Japanese occupation.
105 Jordan, Mark H. "The
'Can Do' Boys of Cactus: In Their Hands, Anything Was Raw
Material." Our Navy, 49 (First of March 1950), 6-8+.
Covers the activities of the 6th Seabees on Guadalcanal.
106 ________. "Have Huebner and Huffman Fix Something Up: Seabees Make Needed Equipment Out of Scrap." Iron Age, 153 (June 29, 1944), 45-9. Smith: 9897.
107 _________. "Journey
to the Wars." Military Engineer, 42 (March-April
1950), 127-31.
Story of the 6th Seabees made the journey from boot training to
Guadalcanal in 1942.
108 Kempner, M. J. "Builders at War: Seabees Beat Time and Terrain." House and Garden, 88 (September 1945), 88-9+. Smith: 9898.
109 "Know How Plus Can Do
Equals: The Seabees." All Hands. No. 513 (October
1959), 2-5.
Brief history of the World War II Seabees.
110 Lawrence, W. A.
"Rebuilding Guam's War-Torn Water System." Civil
Engineering, 15 (June 1945), 271-4.
The water system is rebuilt using pre-war and captured materials.
111 ________. "Seabees Complete Power Plant on Guam." Electrical West, 95 (September 1945), 86.
112 Lawrence, William. H. "Bulldozers Dig in Japan's Front Yard: Seabees, Miracle Men of the Pacific, are Remaking Okinawa into a Vital Base." New York Times Magazine, June 24, 1945, 9+. Smith: 9899.
113 "Letter Writers." Our Navy, 39 (First of May 1945), 35.
114 Lowell, Arthur B.
"Seabee Adventure." Our Navy, 40 (Mid-August
1945), 30-1.
Two Seabees take a railroad trip in Queensland, Australia while
on liberty.
115 Luce, William F.
"Airfields in the Pacific: Coral Used Extensively for Roads
and Runways." Civil Engineering, 15 (October 1945),
Technical article which explains how the abundant natural coral
was used in construction in the Pacific.
116 MacDonald, James.
"Men Who Work the War: They Service Planes, Build Ports,
Move Supplies; Without them the Fighting Men Would Be
Helpless." New York Times Magazine, November 28,
1943, 11+.
Describes the work of those who go to war to work, not fight.
Seabees, airplane mechanics and logistics men are noted for their
vital work during the war.
117 "Machine Tools: Seabees Speed Repair of American Equipment with Makeshift, Captured Japanese Tools." Steel, 117 (July 1945), 102+.
118 Manning, J. J. "The Saga of the Seabees." Think, ? (May 1947).
119 ________. "The Work of the Civil Engineer Corps of the Navy." Civil Engineering, 13 (February 1942), 73-6. Smith: 9900.
120a Marra, Peter S. "Iwo
Jima Seabees Stay Unsung." Naval History, 11
(January/February 1997).
The author seeks an explanation for oversight at awards time.
120b Mason, J. B. "For Action-Join the Seabees." American Builder and Building Age, 64 (November 1942), 489+.
121 Mathis, S. J. "Seabees are Wizards at Building Battle-Front Air Bases." Aviation, 43 (March 1943), 180-1. Smith: 9901.
122 Maum, Emmett. "Those Can Do Boys." Our Navy, 39 (Mid-August 1944), 51.
123 ________. "Those
Seabees." Our Navy, 40 (Mid-September 1945), 61.
A Seabee from the 12th Seabee Special uses a bulldozer to fight a
fire in a Marine Corps supply dump.
124 "Men in 15 CB Ratings
to be Shifted to General Service." All Hands, No. 329
(August 1944), 67.
The Bulletin Board. In World War II, Seabees were not recruited
for "general service," that is, for Regular Navy
ship-board duty. They could only serve in construction
battalions. This changed policy for some Seabee ratings.
125 Miller, Vern A. "This
is CASU: Our Coral Carriers Helped Turn the Tide of Battle."
Our Navy, 40 (First of August 1945), 4-6.
Seabees build the airfield for Carrier Aircraft Service Unit
"X" on a distant Pacific Island.
126 Miscall, L. "Jungle Roadbuilding in Trinidad by Seabee Troops." Engineering News-Record, 133 (August 10, 1944), 146-9.
127 Moreell, Benjamin.
"Bases Loaded: The Seabees Were the Boys Who Put 'em Into
Scoring Position." Our Navy, 40 (First of October
1945), 22-24+.
Moreell reports the results of an inspection tour he made in the
Pacific late summer 1945.
128 ________. "Building to Win." American Federalist, 49 (October 1942), 9. Smith: 9902.
129 ________. "Functions of the Bureau of Yards and Docks." Military Engineer, (July 1943), 345. Smith: 9903.
130 ________. "The
Seabees in World War II." United States Naval Institute
Proceedings, No. 709 (March 1962), 85-101. Smith: 9904.
A general history of the Seabees on World War II. Includes the
Seabee's forerunners, the 12th Regiment (Public Works) of World
War I fame. The literary accomplishments of the Seabees are also
131 Mosely, F. M. "Building Under Fire: The Navy's Seabees." Engineering News-Record, 132 (February 24, 1943), 288-90. Smith: 9905.
132 Nasse, Jean-Yves. "US
Navy Seabees, 1941-1945: Part One-1941-1944: USN Construction
Battalions in Europe." Militaria Magazine, No. 1
(February 1994), 18-26.
A detailed article with many re-enacted photographs from the
author's collection. Seabee history, ratings, training and
operations of the 25th Regiment are explained.
133 ________. "United
States Navy Seabees, 1941-1945: Part 2-1941-1945: Naval
Construction Battalions in the Pacific." Militaria
Magazine, No. 21 (November 1995), 11-16.
A continuation from his first article, this article chronicles
the Seabees of the Pacific. Again, several re-enacted photographs
are included.
134 "Navy Commissions Huge Seabee Training Camp." Engineering News-Record, 129 (November 26, 1942), 747.
135 "Navy's Fighting Seabees." Popular Mechanics, 79 (April 1943), 58-61. Smith: 9906.
136 Neely, Marvin Y. "A
Floating Connection for Pier Pontoons Devised by the
Seabees." Civil Engineering, 15 (May 1945), 233.
Seabees devise a way to overcome a problem with pontoon piers.
137 "News of
Seabees." Our Navy, 38 (Mid-October 1943), 65.
A Seabee adventure.
138 "Openings in
Construction Corps, U. S. Naval Reserve." Civil
Engineering, 12 (December 1942), 699.
Recruiting information for Seabee officers. Included is a table
which compares civilian experience to naval officers rank.
139 "Our Island Flattops: Stationary Carriers, Built and Manned by Acorns and CASUs,
Multiply Striking Power of U. S. Naval Air Arm in the
Pacific." All Hands, No. 335 (February 1945), 6-8.
Construction Battalions, attached to Acorns, build the Navy's
island-based airfields. A CBMU moves in to maintain the field
when the battalion's work is complete.
140 "Past-President
Endicott Honored." Civil Engineering, 13 (May 1943),
The dedication of Camp Endicott, Davisville, RI, named in honor
of a past-president of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
141 "Personnel with
Deep-Sea Stevedoring Experience May Apply for Commissions." All
Hands, No.334 (January 1945), 78.
The Bulletin Board. Recruiting information for officers to lead
the Seabee Specials.
142 "Pick and Shovel Sailors." Time, 41 (April 19, 1943), 65-6. Smith: 9907.
143 Pinkowski, Edward.
"Seagoing Stevedores." United States Naval Institute
Proceedings, No. 525 (November 1946), 1429-1435.
A general history of the Seabee Specials.
144 "Pontoons: 3-Year-Old War Babies Have Important Role in Amphibious Operations." All Hands, No. 335 (February 1945), 37.
145 Prickett, J. H. "Seabee and His Duck at Salerno: Amphibious Trucks in Invasion." Engineering News-Record, 132 (May 18, 1944), 737-9.
146 "Qualifications
Published for CB Ratings." All Hands, No.331 (October
1944), 69.
The Bulletin Board.
147 Rathbone, Alfred D., IV.
"'We Defend What We Build': Seabees, The Fighting
Technicians of Our Navy." Scientific American, 168
(February 1943), 54-7. Smith: 9908.
Introduces the Seabees. The article reads like it is a recruiting
piece for the Navy. Emphasis is placed on the organization and
training process of new Seabee battalions.
148 Raue, William J.
"Midway Tank Farm." Civil Engineering, 15
(December 1945), 551-2.
Tank farm construction by the 50th Seabees on Midway Island.
149 Richardson, Harold W. "Seabees Make Materials for Guam Sewer." Engineering News-Record, 135 (October 4, 1945), 443-6.
150 Risteen, H. W. "Pontoon Manufacture in the Pacific." Mechanical Engineering, 68 (March 1946), 215-20.
151 Roberts, Palmer W.
"Normandy: The Naval Story." The Military Engineer
August-September 1994, 64-7
Roberts, a staff officer with the 25th Regiment at Normandy,
describes how America's engineering might made the landings
possible at Omaha and Utah Beaches.
152 "Saga of 'Can Do'
Men: Construction Battalions, Born to Build, DID-and in a Most
Fabulous Fashion." All Hands, No. 345 (December
1945), 32-3.
Short two-page account of Seabee accomplishments.
153 "Salute to the
Seabees". United States Naval Institute Proceedings,
73 (November 1949), 1281-90.
Pictorial acclaim to the Seabees.
154 Saunders, R. E. "Report from the Pacific: How Building has Followed the Fleet." Architectural Forum, 82 (August 1945), 124-6.
155 "Seabee Procurement
Open." Our Navy, 39 (Mid-January 1945), 35.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest.
156 "Seabee Can-Do."
All Hands, No. 344 (November 1945), 31.
The story of a Seabee returned home from the war with a pile of
war-surplus and build a washing machine at his wife's request.
157 "Seabee on Incentive
Tour." Our Navy, 39 (First of January 1945), 35.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Aurelio Tassone, Machinist Mate
First Class, tours the States after receiving a Silver Star for bravery. He made the famous bulldozer attack on a Japanese
158 "Seabee Unit Gets NUC
for Action Under Fire." All Hands, No. 399 (May
1950), 46.
33rd Seabees are awarded the Navy Unit Commendation for its
participation in the retaking of Palau.
159 "Seabee Waterworks in the South Pacific Features Many Improvisations." Engineering News-Record, 134 (May 3, 1945), 648-9.
160 "Seabees." Collier's, 110 (September 1942), 20-1. Smith: 9910.
161 "Seabees." Flying, 35 (October 1944), 120-1. Smith: 9911.
162 "Seabees." Newsweek,
20 (October 19, 1942), 35. Smith: 9912.
A short introductory article on the Seabees. Briefly records the
early work of an unnamed battalion, boot camp and advanced
training and the Seabee mission.
163 "Seabees and Gyrenes
Fix Antimine Tank." Our Navy, 39 (First of April
1945), 37.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Seabees build an antimine
devise using scrap materials for Marine Sherman tanks.
164 "Seabees Build for
B-29s." Our Navy, 40 (Mid-August 1945), 36.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Airfield construction in the
Marianas by the 6th Brigade.
165 "Seabees Celebrate 3rd Birthday." All Hands, No. 335 (February 1945), 46.
166 "Seabees Develop Machine to Paint Traffic Stripes." Engineering News-Record, 135 (October 18, 1945), 503.
167 "Seabees' Flakie Units Used in Many Ways." Refrigeration Engineering, 47 (May 1944), 383.
168 "Seabees in the Marshalls: As Always, the 'Can Do' Boys Were on the Job." Our Navy, 39 (Mid-August 1944), 58.
169 "Seabees in the Normandy Invasion." Engineering News-Record, 133 (December 28, 1944), 823-30.
170 "Seabees Mark Third Anniversary." Roads and Streets, 88 (January 1945), 93+.
171 "Seabees Power Company International: Reconstruction of Plant Abandoned by Japanese." Electrical West, 93 (August 1944), 60-1.
172 "Seabees Seek
Construction Officers." Civil Engineering, 13
(November 1943), 563.
Recruiting information for prospective Seabee officers.
173 "The Seabees to Train at a New Station in Virginia." Education to Victory, 1 (October 15, 1942), 13. Smith: 9914.
174 "Seabees Turn
Battlefield into Airfield." Our Navy, 39 (First of
April 1945), 37.
Bulletin Board of Naval Interest. Seabees build an airfield at Letye, Philippines.
175 "Seabees Use Familiar Equipment in Unfamiliar Surroundings." Roads and Streets, 86 (August 1943), 68.
176 "Seabees Use Novel Method to Construct Submerged Pipeline." Engineering News-Record, 133 (November 16, 1944), 62-8.
177 "Seabees with Long U.
S. Service to Go Overseas." All Hands, No. 331
)October 1944), 65.
The Bulletin Board.
178 "Seabees: The Navy's Fighting Builders." Architectural Forum, 80 (February 1944), 48-58. Smith: 9913.
179 "Seabees: Where the Worked and Fought in World War II." Rpt. from final issue of Seabee, 1 (October 10, 1945).
180 Skerrett, Robert G. "Our Seabees." Compressed Air Magazine, 49 (August 1944), 192-7. Smith: 9916.
181 Smith, Kirby.
"'Seabees'-the Courageous Battalions: No Job an 'Impossible'
for the Construction Specialists of the U. S. Navy." Civil
Engineering. 14 (June 1944), 225-8. Smith: 9917.
A general article on the Seabees.
182 Smith, William H.
"Artificial Harbors for Normandy Beaches: Landing Facilities
Provided and Manned by Seabees." Civil Engineering,
15 (June 1945), 255-259.
Seabee participation in the D-Day landings at Normandy.
183 ________. "Water Supply on the Battle Front: Seabees Provide Potable Water for Combat Forces." Civil Engineering, 15 (April 1945), 163-6.
184 Spalding, E. J. " ." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, No. 478 (December 1942), 1724.
185 "Spring Boards for Fleets...Bases: Bureau of Yards and Docks Builds then on All Fronts." All Hands, No. 325 (April 1944), 20-5.
186 "Springboard to
Victory: Our Advanced Base System Developed in This War Proved
Potent Weapon in Trek to Tokyo." All Hands, No. 345
(December 1945), 4-.
A good background article of advanced bases. Tells why they were
needed, where they were built, how they were assembled in the
States and shipped overseas and now that the war is won, how they
are being rolled up.
187 Taylor, H. G. "Automotive Material in Navy Combat Service: Equipment of the Seabees in the Pacific." Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, 52 (July 1944), 17-20. Smith: 9910
188 "Three Seats Up
Front." All Hands, No. 341 (August 1945), 30.
Along the Road to Tokyo feature. Three Seabees with a bulldozer
are given poor directions and end up 200 yards in front of the
front lines.
189 Transano, Vincent A.
"Seabee Insignia During The Second World War." Military
Historian and Collector, 33 (Spring 1981), 4-12. Kinnel:
Highly detailed article by Navy's top Seabee historian.
190 Twitchell, Paul.
"Jack of All Trades: The Seabees-First to Land, Last to
Leave." Our Navy, 38 (First of December 1943), 4-6+.
Good general article. Describes the work of the Seabees,
including training at Stateside bases.
191 Unmacht, George F.
"Flame Throwing Seabees." United States Naval
Institute Proceedings, No. 542 (April 1948), 425-7.
The 117th Seabees modify Army and Marine Corps tanks for flame
192 Van Deurs, G. "Segi Man." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, No. 668 (October 1958), 56. Smith: 4441.
193 Washbourne, John L. and
Norman H. Moore. "Tunneling for Fresh Water on Guam." Civil
Engineering, 15 (November 1945), 510-2.
A technical article that details how 250 foot tunnel is excavated
for to acquire fresh water in Northern Guam.
194 "Water Supply on Pacific Islands: Seabee Meeting Problems." Engineering News-Record, 135 (August 9, 1945), 166-70.
195 "Wheels for
Seabees." Our Navy, 40 (Mid-July 1945), 37.
Battalion constructs two mobile galleys, a mobile photography
laboratory and a mobile library for their own use in the
196 Wollstadt, P. "At the Top of the World: Seabee Camps at Point Barrow and Umiat." National Petroleum News, 37 (November 28, 1945), 28-31.
197 ________. "Seabees Who Drilled Point Barrow, Alaska, Umiat Well Fought Cold, Mud but Found Oil." National Petroleum News, 37 (November 14, 1945), 14.
198 Wood, George H. "Aleutian Alert: Navy Seabees." Christian Science Monitor Magazine, (March 31, 1945), 6. Smith: 10084.
199 Woodward, Clark H. "New Exploits of the Amazing Seabees." American Federalist, 51 (January 1944), 6-7. Smith: 10086.
200 ________. "Springboard for Victory." Popular Mechanics, 83 (October 1944), 1. Smith: 10087.
201 ________. "The Versatile Seabees." American Federalist, 50 (September 1943), 22-4. Smith: 10088.
202 Woolfe, S. J. "Admiral of the Can Do Boys: Moreell of the Seabees." New York Times Magazine, August 12, 1945, 18. Smith: 10089.
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