MSCS Steve Karoly (r) of NMCB 17, June 1994

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Moving Mountains : Lessons in Leadership and Logistics from the Gulf War
William G. Pagonis and Jeffrey L. Cruikshank
In the Gulf War, leadership and logistics came together and extraordinary goals were achieved. In clear, compelling language, General Pagonis recounts the Gulf War from the first fateful telephone call, to the mobilization of 550,000 troops and the shipment of 7 million tons of supplies, to the enormously complex challenge of bringing home a half-million soldiers and their equipment.

Assault and Logistics : Union Army Coastal and River Operations 1861-1866
Charles Dana Gibson

Union Army Camp Cooking
Patricia B. Mitchell

Confederate Commissary General : Lucius Bellinger Northrop and the Subsistence Bureau of the Southern Army
Jerrold Northrop Moore

Feeding Mars : Logistics in Western Warfare from the Middle Ages to the Present
John A. Lynn, editor

Lifeblood of War : Logistics in Armed Conflict
Julian Thompson

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